
Always says yes to Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and cupcakes (in that order).

As a child, Jess would drive her mother crazy by watching Disney’s Alice In Wonderland again and again and again. Today, she drives everyone else crazy with her obsession for all things movies. On weeknights, you might find her catching up on foreign TV shows or telling her sister, “We can’t watch Romeo + Juliet again because we just watched it.” On the weekends, you might see her at the movies, possibly flinching at the stupid vibrating seats in the nearest Dolby theater.

Jess also writes show reviews for ATC Podcast’s Asian TV contingency Daebak Foreign TV! If you’re a subtitles baby and need some Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese, or Japanese drama recommendations, check out her Deep Focus reviews!

First Movie Memory

Watching The Lion King in theaters

Most Hated Movie

The Tree of Life

Rewatch Favorites


Follow Jess on Twitter: @jmfirpi

Follow Jess on Letterboxd: @jmfirpi